Message from the Chairman

At the Dawn of 21st century while Pakistan was in the process of consolidating its nuclear status, yawning gaps between rich and poor and fragile economy continued to adversely affect the socio economic life in Pakistan. It is firm belief of every one in Pakistan that education is the only source of light for the people of this region to carve the path leading to their destination.

Phothohar region was particularly neglected during the British rule for any development works to improve the quality of life to the people living in this region. Having no other option to the male population of the area was encouraged to join armed forces, who acted as useful fodder for the British war machine during World War I and World War II. Having been deprived of other options as a source of lively hood, people of the area continued to engage themselves in this profession and are proud of their contributions towards the defense of Pakistan during War and peace.

There continues to be divided like other parts of Pakistan, in to rural and urban entities. Meaningful educational activities and industrial development continues to benefits the urban population and the process of migration from rural to urban area continues unabated.

Al noor Welfare trust was therefore established in 1998 in the heart of the rural area at the village Jajja 50 kilo meter south east of Rawalpindi. The trust aims at providing quality education to less privilege rural population. It unfolds the canvas for education of young ones in classic rural environment. The first institution established in 2001 is a Cadet College, where students from all over Pakistan and wards of Pakistan living aboard are studying. It was in year 2010when necessity of a feeder institution was badly felt for Cadet College. A facility similar to Cadet College also emerged as top priority for daughters of the area. Establishment of AL Noor Girls Public School and College Jajja was decided to benefit female population of the area. It was with this aim in mind that a new campus adjacent to Cadet College was developed within a short span of time. By the grace of God within about four and half years the institution has established its credentials and is measuring up to the expectations of parents and students belonging to different parts of Punjab ,KPK, Ak and Northern areas. A Competent faculty and foolproof administrative and security arrangements have been established to the entire satisfaction of students and parents. Having complete administration and academic blocks, an impressive hostel building which will have an auditorium and mess facility, will be able to house about 260 students. This new building will also provide respectable living for single faculty members. For the last two years students have demonstrated their potentials by securing excellent results in Board Examinations besides acting as a reliable feeder for Cadet College since primary section is a mix of boys and girls.

I extend my heartiest congratulations to the principal and the editorial staff of this magazine for making it possible for the talented students and potential writers to decorate the page of this 1st issue. All young writers and faculty members who have contributed their articles both in English and Urdu also qualify for the heartiest felicitations. I wish them best of luck and success in their endeavors.

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